sábado, 18 de maio de 2013

Presentation Simplistic. Welcome To my Blog and the first post.

Presentation simplistic.
Good night, Good morning, Good afternoon. My name is Filipe Simões Nazareth. And why on earth I rode a blog? Uh, I do not know right joke. With this blog, I hope and express my delight in Comics, Literature, Music and whatever else goes into the tile. And of course, informative way for my followers. I also want to clarify that I accept any comments from readers, although asking God to anyone send me to hell. You know, dealing with heavy criticism, however in order to help us, is never easy. For encounter errors is a challenge for both, but it is a duty. Well, I'll be straight up because this text is character apresentativo. I like fiction, comics different music from the 80s, 90s, although hear a little of everything. Thank you for your attention and I hope I can count on you to the next text. Á, and what Spok has to do with it? He is the mascot of my blog, to be exact, an homage to lovers of culture nerd. Thanks and until next time.
                                                                                                           Filipe Simões Nazareth, Rio and taster of life.

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